От издателя Barbra Streisand live at the Village Vanguard New York's legendary jazz club In the early 60s, clubs like the Village Vanguard were scattered throughout Greenwich Village Now it stands alone, tбэщязhe last of its kind In September 2009, a select group of fans and friends had the rare opportunity to experience Barbra's -performance in the ultimate up-close-and-personal setting Accompanied only by piano, bass, guitar and drums, this is the artist at her most intiвкхухmate Tracklist: 01 Introductions 02 Here's To Life 03 In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning 04 Gentle Rain 05 Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most 06 If You Go Away (Ne Me Quitte Pas) 07 Where Do You Start? 08 Nobody's Heart (Belongs To Me) 09 Make Someone Happy 10 My Funny Valentine 11 Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered 12 Evergreen (Love Theme From A Star Is Born) 13 Some Other Time 14 (Encore) The Way We Were 15 Credits Актер Барбра Стрейзанд (Исполнитель) Barвсзягbra Streisand Американская киноактриса, ставшая всемирно известной после съемок в экранизации бродвейского мюзикла "Смешная девчонка" В последние годы самостоятельно ставит фильмы, но продолжает работать и как актриса Как режиссер наиболее известна драматическим .