From the fifties to his death in 2009, it is a complete record of Michael's moves, grooves and music Illustrated with hundreds of colour and black and white photographs, it includes all Michael's records, conбэьрпcerts, videos and awards, memorabilia and records you never knew existed From Steeltown to Motown, from the Jackson 5 to his own man, from "The Wiz" to "Thriller", Michael Jackson was bad, smooth, dangerous and invincible He made the most excitingвкчоц videos, with the deffest moves, played the most spectacular concerts, and filled the world's largest arenas He began performing at the age of five, broke records since he was 11 and was a star without equal from the age of 21 Never far from the media spotlight Michael's whole aura often seemed alienated from reality "Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary: 1958-2009: The Official Tribute Edition" presents all the facts about Michael's life and death as never before Here всипоis everything you need to know about the tragic superstar "Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary: 1958-2009: The Official Tribute Edition" has been compiled by Adrian Grant, a writer renowned fort his close affiliation with Jackson and a pioneer of many Jackson related projects including the stage musical "Thriller" Формат: 23 см х 29 см 5-th edition Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данная книга является переизданием раннее размещенной на нашем сайте книги "Michael Jackson: The visual documentary", в связи с чем, обложка на сайте была заменена на новую Иллюстрации Автор Эдриан Грант Adrian Grant.